Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Justice made

We all knew Saddam as a man of evil, who misused his powers to kill people. The day he was hanged, as always, there were supporters as well as people who got a kick simply knowing he would soon be dead. So any person would be loved and hated for various reasons.
Today, as the verdict was read out for Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt, the response was the same. There are victims of the blasts, who curse Dutt for not being a responsible citizen and a good human being. On the other hand, there are his fans who would have loved to act in infinite sequels to Munna Bhai and give them good entertainment.
The years following his arrest have done a lot good to change Dutt's perspective and also no doubt made him realise his mistake. Then does that mean the law should have been more lenient towards him?
According to a thesis that I had read sometime ago, 80 percent of the criminals regret their crime. So, they look forward to getting a second chance so they can reform/transform themselves. It's the most sensible thing to do, as it is always said nothing like realising one's own mistake and making amends to rectify the mistake. But what about the pain the crime caused and the victims who suffered? Will it be the same again? Never, life would definitely be different for them.
Everyone is equal before the law - the judgment given today definitely proves this. It is also in a way reassuring for we Indians, who keep thinking some people get preferential treatment and get away with it as they have the power and money. The verdict today has in a way rekindled hopes among people who thought law was only in favour of the privileged class.

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