Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Are we blind to our mistakes?

The world is no more a safe dwelling place. Violence is rampant and the blame games have begun. Our own country, being the latest target, has been conveniently pointing to Pakistan for terrorist links and now, when one of the terror suspects in the Heathrow happens to be an Indian, we have the guts to tell the foreign land not to link India to terror!
Lets be reasonable, just because Pakistan has a lot of Jehadis doesn't make it a terrorist state. Why can't we acknowledge the fact that good and evil concurrently exist. So why corner one particular nation?
Let me make it clear that this is no pro-Pak write-up, but a very unbiased view of the way we take things for granted. We feel the pain only when we experience it and that's what exactly happened with us (Indians). All these years, we kept passing the buck telling we didn't have any kind of terror links and now we are caught!
Obviously, reputation matters. So every person is busy preaching the whole world what a great country it is with a rich culture and why it shouldn't be black-marked just because of some people who chose to spoil peace.
Are we justified? It was so easy to blame another country and play safe all these days. But now the time has to come to wake up and take stock of things. Let's not have double standards. if we take the liberty to label a country as 'bad' because of few bad people, then let's face the music for the same reason. Why are we such hypocrites? Let's be sportive and admit 'yes it was a mistake'. If not, let's not finger point anyone and say it is because of such countries that peace is spoilt in the world.
Why can't we Instead join other nations and chalk out a way to handle these bad elements. For, the proverb 'United we stand' will always hold good.

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